I promise to stop say this from next week!

As we embark on a new year, I have been reflecting on 2024 and also on my career in recruitment that started in 1986. Moving from the somewhat cut throat and competitive world of commercial recruitment, I have been hugely fortunate to enjoy eighteen years of working with charities across the South West. These charities have been delivering important and inspiring work in all sorts of sectors, from supporting people who face challenges in life to rescuing and caring for our animal friends, charities that work hard to preserve our heritage and those that fight for the future of our environment. Charities that provide educational services and charities who campaign on behalf of those whose voices are not always heard. Where would we be without these organisations?

I have met some wonderful people along the way, both candidates and clients, and am honoured to call many of them friends, people who have encouraged me and lifted me up when the going has got tough. 2024 was tough! Losing my beloved Mother, Betty, suddenly, a week after my Aunt died, knocked me sideways and I am still working my way through the moments of intense grief which arrive without warning – it’s what makes us human I guess. So I want to thank those friends who have been there for me during 2024, it means a lot. I have been a bit all over the place at times, but you have been there for me – you know who you are.

Goodness knows what 2025 will bring – challenges and opportunities I am sure, but I know Mother would face both with the same cheerful and enthusiastic energy she always had, so that’s what I shall do.

Keeping it in the family

It’s always busy here at Shine Towers but this year is looking particularly so. Finding someone I trust to deal with advertising, invoicing and event administration is really important and I have managed mostly on my own since AdminAnnie deserted me to go and be a struggling artist. So it is with great pleasure I introduce Penny Konig who will be taking up that mantle and has joined the Shine family (to be fair she is actually family which I why I trust her so much). Be kind to her, she is still being inducted.

Double Trouble

Great to see this one today at the BoardTalk Lunch, we never fail to make each other laugh and can be quite professional at times. It was lovely to see some familiar faces and also some new ones and , as usual, the Cullompton Community Centre really looked after us. Looking forward to the next one, which will probably in August – watch this space

BoardTalk is back – but it’s lunch this time

After a quiet period post-Covid and acquiring new Sponsors, Brewin Dolphin, BoardTalk had it’s first lunch event at the Cullompton Community Centre in January 2024. Sarah Pryce was scheduled to facilitate but failed to bring her voice with her and so Paul Courtney, the seasoned professional that he is, stepped in and led the delegates through some lively discussions.

The next lunch event is on the 24th April, back at the Cullompton Community Centre by popular demand. We shall be deliberating how we, as charity leaders, ensure that the trustee role is stimulating and meaningful enough to aid retention and engagement. This is an invitation only event, if you feel you should be on that invitation list, please contact me (jackie@shinecharityrecruitment.co.uk)

Meet Pete – who can provide support with Trustee Induction and Training

If you are a new to the role or have been a trustee for some time, Hawkins Charity Consultancy offer trustee induction and training tailored to your needs. Whether you are looking for an ‘beginners guide’, or a refresher a few years in, these relaxed and informative sessions are built around your needs and can be delivered in person or virtually. They draw heavily on Charity Commission guidance and are interactive with lots of time given to Q&A to make sure you get what you need.

The sessions are delivered in person by highly experienced senior consultant Pete Hawkins, who has been working with charities for 28 years. Pete has an impeccable reputation and is commissioned by funders as well as by charities themselves. Pete’s wide-ranging experience includes causes from air ambulance, to refugees, to heritage buildings, to learning disability.

To find out more or to discuss this further, please contact Pete Hawkins on 07970 628118 or pete@hawkinscharityconsultancy.co.uk  www.hawkinscharityconsultancy.co.uk


I am notoriously bad at asking for testimonials, but when a client offers one then I feel it only right to share it. Read for Good have been a brilliant charity to work with.

Jackie consistently delivers, having led the recruitment for several of our trustees. Her friendly professionalism, specialist experience and wealth of contacts enable her to represent our charity perfectly. Her understanding of Read for Good is invaluable – effectively presenting our approach, culture and impact as a small, national charity that punches above our weight to potential candidates. A focused approach is always enthusiastically and reliably delivered. Shine Charity Recruitment has, over time, advised us in the recruitment of our Chair, Treasurer and more recently, the exciting appointment of a young trustee, understanding the need for the all-important ‘fit’ and as a result finding candidates with the right skills, calibre and commitment.

Justine Daniels, CEO of Read for Good

December 2023


Lord Lieutenant’s Charity Breakfast at Coldharbour Mill Museum in Uffculme (honoured to have been asked to sponsor this event)

Meeting one of my sporting heroes, Mary King, who is also a Deputy Lieutenant

Trevi Women Secret Garden Gala Dinner at the Market Hall in Plymouth, such fun to spend an evening with ex-colleague Lynsey Skinner who has set up her own business, Your Tech Future in Exeter

Welcome to Mel

We are delighted to welcome Melanie Stevens who joins Team Shine as an Associate. Mel has worked in charity HR for many years and now works on a consultancy basis. Her experience and expertise in recruiting for a wide range of roles across the sector will be hugely valuable as we look to rise to the challenge of helping more charities find the ideal people for their role. You can reach Mel at mel@shinecharityrecruitment.co.uk

Trustee Recruitment – Some Useful Resources

(clicking on the images below will take you to other websites)

2021 – New Website, New Office Assistant

New year, new website. This is probably the longest in-development website that poor Alistair at Gleave Media has had to put up with! In the end, I decided to go with the the pared-back, less is more approach, opting for more regular mini-blogs to keep you all updated rather than masses of text about everything I think you should know about.

Let’s hope that 2021 will be an improvement on last year. We are more resilient now, we know we can adapt quickly to changing circumstances and I am sure we will need to draw upon this as we move through the year. I am looking forward to working clients and candidates both old and new, event partners, associates and friends. In the meantime, here is a picture of my new office assistant.