Supporting Charities across the South West with their recruitment.

Works with Charities across the SW

Truly Independent governance reviewsTrustee and Chief Executive Recruitment

Event Partner with BoardTalk Breakfast Event

Recruitment Fees

Recruitment fees are generally based on results and are highly competitive, aimed at working within the financial restraints of the charity sector.


Shine Charity Recruitment has a strong track record in working with charities to find and recruit Trustees.

Consultancy Fees

Consultancy fees are based on a daily rate and relate to governance reviews, skills audits, salary review and other non-recruitment work

Established in 2010

Shine Charity Recruitment works with charity clients across the South West to support their recruitment of both staff and trustees. Director, Jackie Dawkins, has over 30 years experience in recruitment and is passionate about the working of the charity sector. She also works with other consultants who provide coaching, HR and fundraising consultancy services and is part of the event team that has been delivering the BoardTalk breakfast events for charity professionals over the last five years.

Jackie Dawkins

Jackie Dawkins has worked in recruitment since 1986, setting up Cathedral Appointments in Exeter in 1988 and then Shine Charity Recruitment in 2010. Jackie has been working exclusively with the charity sector since 2007 and is passionate about providing professional and affordable recruitment services to charities both small and large across the South West.

What others say about us

Jackie was immensely helpful in leading a strategic review of our governance and the subsequent recruitment of three Trustees, who perfectly matched the responsibilities we were looking to fill

Jackie is a listener. She paid particular attention to what we told her about the ‘culture’ of our organisation, then set about pairing us with those who have the right blend of skills, knowledge, experience and importantly, attitude to help us thrive. We were delighted with the results and the appointment was easy. I’d recommend Jackie highly, whether you’re a small or large organisation and whichever sector you work in

Jackie provided us with invaluable support in our journey to recruit new trustees for our growing charity. The process was simple, straightforward, and supportive and enabled Devon Mind to cast its net wider to prospective trustees, than we could have potentially achieved on our own

Jackie consistently delivers, having led the recruitment for several of our trustees. Her friendly professionalism, specialist experience and wealth of contacts enable her to represent our charity perfectly. Her understanding of Read for Good is invaluable – effectively presenting our approach, culture and impact as a small, national charity that punches above our weight to potential candidates. A focused approach is always enthusiastically and reliably delivered. Shine Charity Recruitment has, over time, advised us in the recruitment of our Chair, Treasurer and more recently, the exciting appointment of a young trustee, understanding the need for the all-important ‘fit’ and as a result finding candidates with the right skills, calibre and commitment.