Part-time Project Manager, 12 month FTC

£35,000 FTE

Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust (DPHT) is a dynamic and energetic charity committed to transforming the future of the Heritage Dartmoor Pony on Dartmoor – working hand in hand with pony keepers and breeders on the moor, communities, organisations and decision-makers.

Today, this work has never been more important. Heritage pony herds on the moor have declined, and the numbers of these beautiful animals have plummeted. We face a future where Dartmoor is bereft of its ponies, where the rare heathland habitat and wildlife that they help maintain is on the road to destruction and increasingly inaccessible for people to experience and enjoy. DPHT plans to ramp up its work in response.

We are delighted to be recruiting a Project Manager on a 12 month fixed-term contract basis. The Project Manager will manage and co-ordinate an exciting new project which aims to strengthen the Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust, positioning it to effectively safeguard the future of traditional pony herds on the moor.

The Project Manager will be responsible for setting up focus groups, developing a fundraising strategy, arranging community engagement and consultation events, creating new online educational resources, reviewing the Trust’s activities and services and developing a campaign strategy.

They will co-ordinate the work of contracted expert consultants to deliver this work and report to the Project Steering Group, as well as the Board of Trustees.

We are looking for someone with experience of working on projects with varied deadlines and deliverables. You should have line management experience and excellent planning and time management skills with the ability to multi-task. You must be confident to organise multi-faceted events and activities and ensure the delivery of a range of practical tasks, both indoor and out. Familiarity with equines is desirable.  You must have a passion for Dartmoor and specifically the Dartmoor Heritage Pony.

This is a part-time role, working two days per week (hybrid).

For a full list of responsibilities and the person specification, please view the Job Vacancy Pack.


I promise to stop say this from next week!

As we embark on a new year, I have been reflecting on 2024 and also on my career in recruitment that started in 1986. Moving from the somewhat cut throat and competitive world of commercial recruitment, I have been hugely fortunate to enjoy eighteen years of working with charities across the South West. These charities have been delivering important and inspiring work in all sorts of sectors, from supporting people who face challenges in life to rescuing and caring for our animal friends, charities that work hard to preserve our heritage and those that fight for the future of our environment. Charities that provide educational services and charities who campaign on behalf of those whose voices are not always heard. Where would we be without these organisations?

I have met some wonderful people along the way, both candidates and clients, and am honoured to call many of them friends, people who have encouraged me and lifted me up when the going has got tough. 2024 was tough! Losing my beloved Mother, Betty, suddenly, a week after my Aunt died, knocked me sideways and I am still working my way through the moments of intense grief which arrive without warning – it’s what makes us human I guess. So I want to thank those friends who have been there for me during 2024, it means a lot. I have been a bit all over the place at times, but you have been there for me – you know who you are.

Goodness knows what 2025 will bring – challenges and opportunities I am sure, but I know Mother would face both with the same cheerful and enthusiastic energy she always had, so that’s what I shall do.